Words I Cannot Forget

This week I've been thinking a lot about the uses and gratifications theory that we have talked about in our media class. For some reason, this has been really impactful to me throughout this semester. I feel like I am a person who is constantly trying to figure myself out. I am always looking for the reason behind why I like certain things or feel certain things or do certain things, and so thinking about the uses and gratification theory I feel like I have been given a couple of clear-cut reasons why. 

Specifically, this week I've been thinking about my love for words. I LOVE reading books, I love writing, I love quotes, pretty much any kind of media that revolves around words. I run an instagram account where I post quotes because I have them piled up everywhere (in my Pinterest, my saved Facebook videos, underlined in my books, etc...). And this week I've been trying to be a more conscientious media consumer so I've been thinking about why I feel that the written word specifically impacts me so much. 

For me, I think written media has been a important part of identity formation. Reading was a huge part of my life when I was a child and was something that my friends and I all shared. So as I've gone throughout life, words have always spoken to me because they began speaking to me at such a young age. And now one of the most special moments I have is when I read something that I so profoundly agree with that it feels like it is my own thought just written by someone else's hand. 

So if anyone has any good books or quotes, send them my way! 


  1. I like how you've been analyzing why you use media the way you do! I've been doing the same thing, and have been learning a lot about myself that I didn't realize before. It's funny how this class has helped me become more self-aware, much like you! I love reading too, but haven't made it as much of a priority recently as it was when I was younger. Maybe once I graduate I'll join a book club:)

  2. I also feel like I am really impacted by words. I've always loved reading, and I have probably hundreds of quotes and thoughts saved on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and my phone cameral roll! I even made a quote book for one of my Personal Progress projects when I was like 14! #suchanerd lol! I really like the way you analyzed and figured out why you like quotes and words so much. I hadn't really thought about that specifically for me. I will definitely think more about that now!
    The quote that I saw a few months ago and especially love right now says "God has already worked out what you are worrying about." That spoke so deeply to me, and has been an amazing reminder to carry me through the hard things we are dealing with right now! :)


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